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Physical Climbers

Physical Climbers

Physical Climbers allow individuals or smaller groups of kids to challenge themselves at physical tests they might otherwise be intimidated to try on larger structures that already have a steady group of their peers continuously using.  Using the larger muscle groups necessary to ascend up and over a climber like this will build children’s self-esteem and augment their gross motor skills.


Smart playground builders know to include climbing elements like this product in their designs, as they encourage children to subtly build up the muscles in their upper torsos. In addition, such activities help kids enhance their gross motor skills so as to better control their motion and improve their posture.


Physical Climbing is a great way to build upper body strength, improve hand-eye coordination, develop kinesthetic awareness, and foster imaginative play. Numerous children can play at once, encouraging communal play. You can pick from a medley of color options to make this climber your own. Contact us for more information.

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